Mário Vinte e Um

Mário Vinte e Um (Mário Schlichting), was born in Brazil, Paraná State, in 1948.
He is a Biology graduate by the Paraná Federal University. In 1984, he attended the Fine Arts and Music School in Paraná/Curitiba. In 1988/89, he finished a Painting Course at the S.N.B.A., in Lisbon. Bachelor in Painting and Sculpture by Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa (F.B.A.U.L.), he studied Painting at the Fachhochshule, in Aachen, Germany (1993) integrated in the Erasmus Programme.

Mário Vinte e Um is, indeed, a painter with strong technical formation and great artistic ability, who sometimes does incursions in Naïf Art.

Since 1981, his work has been in several collective and individual exhibitions, in the most privileged spaces of the world and european painting. Being held at the “Guimarães Modern Primitive Art Museum”, Portugal, at the “Jaén Museum”, Spain, at the “Education Secretary” of Curitiba, Brazil, at the “Universidade Católica Primitive Sacred Art Museum”, Lisbon, and at the city councils of Cascais, Sintra, Seixal and Amadora.

He deserved many distinctions and received many honourable mentions: 1981 – 1st Prize “MEC de Aquisição, Culture and Education Ministry”, Curitiba, Brazil and the Prize for “Stamp Conception”, Republic of Angola, 1995 – 1st Prize “PALOP´s Stamp Conception”. He was also awarded the 1st Prize at the “Commemorative National Contest for the 600 years of the Sintra’s Portuguese Volunteer Fire Brigade”

His bibliography is mentioned in the following Publications: “Portuguese Sculptures and Painters Dictionary” by Fernando Pamplona, Livraria Civilização, Lisbon, “The Artist and its Market” by Narciso Martins, “50 years of Painting in Portugal”, ed. Universitária, 2001, and in the film directed by Álvaro Queiroz – National Film Library at the ANIM.

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