CASCAIS GALLERY Painting Exhibition "full of empty space" Inez Wijnhorst

Inez Wijnhorst I
Start date
October 18, 2014
End date
November 17, 2014

Inez Wijnhorst
Maassluis, Netherlands, 1967. Lives and works in Portugal since 1990. Graduated in Painting at the Faculty of fine Arts of the university of Lisbon, Portugal and at the Royal Superior School of Fine Arts in the Hague, the Netherlands.
(see biography)

About the exhibition “full of empty space” Inez Wijnhorst expresses:

By taking a point, and moving it around, left and right, forward and backward, up and down, the three planes of space are created. This space serves as the scenery or the theater stage for existence being able to unfold itself.

Like an empty home waiting for the furniture and for the people to inhabit it, empty space is awaiting. Already full of suspended expectations, dreams and possibilities.

Every word, every thought, every feeling, every action, can fill this empty space and resonate and echo in it, and find the ground to come to life. From the Zero of beginning, (the unmanifested world), into the One that contains it All (the empty space), into Duality that creates the illusion of space and time, good and bad, light and dark.

If, like Kant suggests, everything already exists “a priori”, then empty space is not empty, but full of potential. Full of everything that ever was, is or will be. Abounding with infinite possibilities.